So the app has been out over a month now and things are starting to heat up. The Infinity Cup was a great success, getting 128 players together to battle for some awesome prizes with a total value of over 3000$. After giving the community a few weeks to learn and adjust to the new game play decided it is time to start giving this amazing community more competitions to take part in.
The qualifier has finished and after some hard fought battles and the new “Blood Moon” aspect DaboZz came out on top of’s player YCB 3-1 in the finals. I caught up with DaboZz after the qualifier and asked him some questions about his road to the finals and how he thinks he will do in t he upcoming event against some of the toughest competition in Axie today!
(Chiefs questions will be in Bold and DaboZz answer’s in italics.)
Going into the tournament how did you think you would do?
Actually, I wasn’t quite sure about how I would be doing. I was quite confident in my skillset but I didn’t get much practice in before the tournament, so I didn’t have a big variety of teams prepared and wasn’t sure, if that inflexibility could become a problem.
What was the toughest match you could remember or toughest opponent?
The toughest opponent for me personally was dw in the semi-finals. It was the very first match of our best of five and dw managed hit a nasty Critical hit with his tiny dino that took out my Plant Beast damage dealer and destroyed my plans in the fourth round. Being down 0-1, I really had to dig deep to come out on top. I managed to sweep the next to matches so that the score was 2-1. In the 4th and final Match there was another crucial moment. Dw quickly managed to take out my Tank and my Plant Beast Damage Dealer and also stole some energy in the process, so that I suddenly was down to a 1 vs. 2 with a small energy lead of 1 elixir. Initially I thought this was over and did say gg in the discord right away.
However, also to my surprise, I was able to sweep it once again by making the key strategic decision to avoid playing any card in the fourth round of the Match, knowing that he shouldn’t be able to take my axie out completely. The plan worked out and I was able to kill his major damage dealing axie in the next round. After that I once again had to take the Damage to save up for the final hit, where I managed to bring the win home by taking his last axie out completely in one round due to the energy that I saved up one round before.
What do you think of the Blood Moon addition to the game play?
I really like the introduction of blood moon and the idea behind it. However, it feels too intruding at its current state. I would prefer if it started a few rounds later and at a slower pace. Also, in his stream chief made the suggestion that the bloodmoon damage should be split amongst the surviving axies of a Team. I fully agree with this idea and hope it gets introduced, since I feel like that there should be a benefit for a player that managed to keep more than one axie alive throughout a match.
How do you feel about the finals on the 22nd and how are you going to prepare for it?
I am really looking forward to the finals. It’s a lot of fun to play live on stream and I hope that we can put up an amazing show for your viewers. I personally will try to make some good breeds and come up with new, advanced strategies, so that I am more flexible with my teams.
What do you think about the format for the finals and the Axie pool+ bans?
I really like the idea of an Axie pool and bans. It adds a lot more strategic depth to the tournament. It will be very interesting to see which axies will be taken to the finals and how the bans will affect the overall strategies of the players. We might be seeing some unusual strategies, when certain key axies get banned.
To conclude this interview, I would really like to thank you for hosting this tournament. It was a lot of fun to participate in it and the stream was very entertaining and fun to watch. Also, a big thanks to the Axie Infinity development team that made all this possible by putting out a very comprehensive and entertaining alpha game.
Thank you as well for competing and we look forward to seeing you do well in the finals!